Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Episode 34 - After Death Communication with Bill Guggenheim

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Bill Guggenheim and his ex-wife Judy are the authors of the field-founding work Hello From Heaven which can be found here. In the book, Bill and Judy intrudced the world to the entire field of After Death Communication (ADC), the phenomenon in which the deceased apparently are able to reach out to their living relatives to provide messages, support and evidential communications. In this episode we look at the different varieties of ADCs, and ask why they are taken as serious evidence for life after death. Are these actually communications from the deceased, or are they a result of grief and wishful thinking? My audio unfortunately was not recorded, so my questions in this episode have been re-recorded after the fact and edited onto the original footage.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Episode 33 - Atheism and Atheist Activism with Notes From Autumn

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This is part of a longer discussion.

Autumn is an Atheist Activist. She runs her YouTube channel Notes From Autumn as a way of sharing her experiences of converting from Christianity to Atheism through her scientific investigation of the claims made by her prior religion. She believes and teaches that critical thinking and scientific discovery is the best way to approach life, free of the dogmas of religion. Autumn is certainly not your typical aggressive Atheist Activist, and approaches all those who believe different with complete respect, understanding and open-mindedness, which is something dearly needed in the God vs No God debate.

Episode 66 - Dr Melvin Morse on Child NDEs, Remote Viewing and his Regretted Past Conviction

Listen to the Episode YouTube Counterpart You can find all other Seeking I online profiles at the  Seeking I Website In this episode, I spe...