Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Episode 25 - Explaining the Pam Reynolds Near Death Experience with Dr G.M Woerlee

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Dr Gerald Woerlee (G.M Woerlee) is a prominent skeptic of the Near Death Experience phenomena and other apparently paranormal experiences recorded both inside and outside of medical literature. He is perhaps the world's most well known critic to the famous Pam Reynolds Near Death Experience, the Denture's Man Case and others, about which he has studied and written on extensively at his website

He has also written several books including his most recent 'Anesthesia and the Soul' which can be found at

A professional anesthesiologist for many years, Dr Woerlee certainly is very well versed in the physiology of the human brain and body in general, and strongly believes that most if not all NDEs and other apparently paranormal phenomena can be explained satisfactorily by physical means.

In this first part, we discuss the Pam Reynolds Case and one other case which both include an aspect coined by Dr Jan Holden as 'Apparently non-physical Veridical Perception' (AVP), the peculiar occurence where individuals experience an out of body state in which they are apparently able to give verifiable information they would be unable to perceive in their current physical state, and which are used as evidence to suggest that there can be a separation of brain and mind, or brain and consciousness. Dr Woerlee denies that these cases, and all others he has seen and heard of, do in fact give reasonable evidence of this and goes on to explain why and how they can be explained by brain physiology and body function alone.

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